Rory & Pamela's Peruvian Countryside Wedding | Santa Eulalia, Ate, Peru.

My first encounter with these two was totally serendipitous.

I happened to walk onto the back patio of Bisetti, my favorite cafe in Barranco, just as my good friend Daniela was finishing up dessert and lattes with the cutest Botswanian- Peruvian family -- it was Pamela, Rory and their adorable son, Cayetano.

My friends and I joined them and eventually it came to light that the pair were in the midst of wedding planning with only ONE MONTH's time to get everything done -- and NO photographer! I obviously had to intervene...

Pame and I decided to meet up again later that week to talk more and by the end of our first coffee date, we knew we had an instant connection.

I was thrilled to document their day.

Matching father & son shirts... too cute!

Their wedding was incredibly charming, tasteful and unique; it captured the couple's essence completely.

Best-dressed Best Man award goes to Rory's brother, who flew in all the way from Southern Africa with the rest of the awesome fam.

And then it was time for some ritual action...

They placed various items into a clay pot, each one representing a prayer for prosperity, clarity, health, love and abundance, among others. 

Then the four of us, including the Minister, walked to the river nearby to make the offering to Pachamama, Quecha for Mother Earth.

And then we helped ourselves to a lil' down-time photo session. 

Then it was time for the First Dance... 

They chose Home by Edwarde Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and it was great -- they looked to be having a blast up on that stage.

And then the Ballumbrosios arrived...
A well-known family of Afro-Peruvian music and dance performers from a province in Peru called Chincha.

Pamela insisted we stay and party with them instead of returning to Lima, so of course, we did. 
(We meaning my handsome assistant, Alvaro, and I)

It was a kick-ass good time, to say the least. 
I soon put my camera down and cut loose on the dance floor with them.

Another wedding that reiterated why I love shooting them -- genuine love, awesome people and a jolly good time. What better way is there to spend a Saturday?


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