First Look | Chaclacayo Wedding part I

Here are some pics from a wedding I recently shot in the countryside of Lima of a couple who became very dear to me in a short amount of time.

I first became enamored with the Dutch-Peruvian pair, Jeroen and Mabel, during our first coffee together to discuss photo plans.  It's a beautiful thing to find genuine, loving souls such as theirs and I became instantly involved and inspired to justly share their story.

These photos are some of my favorites from the time preparations began in the morning to the moment of their "First Look" -- a relatively new idea for wedding photography that captures the couple in a more intimate setting when they first encounter each other as bride and groom.  Instead of waiting to catch their first glimpses of each at the altar and fighting back the tears because they're in front of guests or to avoid runny make-up, the couple meets in a private area before the ceremony begins with only the photographer(s) present.  The result is uninhibited and relaxed photos before the real chaos ensues.

More photos from the ceremony, fun comedy sketch hour, and party pics can be seen in Pt.II here:


  1. Brenda muchas gracias!!!! Sentimos una suerte inmensa por haber conocido no solo a una gran fotógrafa, sino a una gran persona. Han sido maravillosos días juntos y encima tenemos estas fotos increíbles. No las podemos dejar de ver!! Ya lo dije pero lo repito, no hay duda que eres la mejor!!!!

    1. Gracias, Mabel! La boda estuvo espectacular. Gracias a los dos por entregarse a mi para tomarles fotos honestas y bellas!


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